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Career Transition Workshop - CTW

91% of the veterans in a survey mentioned that the career transition from military to corporate is difficult or extremely difficult. The corporate world is a new ecosystem & there is an inescapable need for veterans to train themselves before transitioning from the Military to the Corporate world.   Based on nine years of Veteran Transition and Veteran Hiring experience in India & a collective sum of tens of thousands of veterans being coached & assisted in their transition, MilitaryToCorporate-M2C has created a few career transition workshops on the most relevant topics such as Resume building, Interview tips, Job Search, Art of networking & Mission MBA which will help veterans gain insights from seasoned professionals to ace their second career.


Career Transition Workshop - CTW

MilitaryToCorp-M2C is focused exclusively on veteran hiring and this gives us an immense understanding of what are the best practices for Networking, LinkedIn, Resume building, Job Search, MBA preparation, and much more.

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Job Search Workshop

The job search itself is a full-time job & like it or not, everyone has to go through this at some point in their career. Veterans have never done a job search before joining the military and thus may not be well aware of the process involved in the corporate world.

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Interview Workshop

A good resume can get veterans that foot in the door for the interview but still there is a long way to go. If veterans equip themselves with best practices in interviews and know the techniques to tackle the general, technical, situational, or behavioral questions, they would sail through the interview process to reach the offer stage.

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Resume Building Workshop

This interactive workshop is run by two of our experts, a seasoned veteran resume writer & an expert Career Transition Coach. This workshop not only gives the veterans an edge over resume writing but also talks about how a resume moves around the system, what do recruiters expect from a resume, what is globally accepted resume rules, which format is preferred over the other and how to tailor a resume to suit a specific job opportunity.

To know more, Click Here


Art of Networking Workshop

Networking has turned out to be one of the most important skills in recent times. For veterans who are looking at second innings in Corporate India or already in the corporate and looking for better opportunities, veterans need to establish a robust network with an active LinkedIn presence.

To know more , Click Here

Mission MBA Workshop

Military experience with an MBA degree makes a powerful combination that guarantees success in the business world. Also, the diversity of the tasks handled by the military leaders along with soft skills such as leadership, team-building, problem-solving & decision-making makes them attractive candidates for the B-schools. Many B-schools even offer generous scholarships to military leaders to attract this diverse talent pool.

To know more, Click Here


If you are looking to explore how military veterans can add value to your organizations,
Contact Us and we will be glad to assist.

Most comprehensive job portal for veterans

We at M2C have unparalleled touch-points with veterans' career post-retirement, we know the secret sauce for that winning veteran resume because; We are Recruiters, We are Industry Insiders & We are Veterans

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