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Resume Building Workshop exclusively for Veterans



At MilitaryToCorp-M2C, we have seen over the last ten years in the veteran hiring space that military resumes have higher chances of rejection than their civilian counterparts. We understand the pain points better than anyone else as we have scanned thousands of military resumes for veteran hiring and have written hundreds of resumes.


In today’s competitive job market only writing a good resume isn’t enough, you need a resume that speaks the corporate language, a resume that talks to the recruiter about what value you bring to the table, and how you are the best fit for the specific job opportunity.

A recruiter gets only 5-6 seconds to scan each resume hence you need a resume that stands out.



This workshop is your key to creating the best-in-class corporate-ready resume!
This interactive instructor-led workshop is run by two of our experts, a seasoned veteran resume writer & an expert Career Transition Coach. We understand the difficulties a transitioning Veteran can face & therefore the participants are bound to have an enlightening & rich experience.

This workshop not only gives the veterans an edge over resume writing but also talks about how a resume moves around the system, what recruiters expect from a resume, what is globally accepted resume rules, which format is preferred over the other and how to tailor a resume to suit a specific job opportunity.



• Learn to craft a resume that’s focused on results
• Understand how ATS works to ensure your resume doesn’t fall off the job application process
• Tap the expectations of a recruiter and incorporate that insight into your resume
• Make your resume stand out from the rest of the routine corporate resumes
• Discover the tricks to writing a resume that highlights your accomplishments
• Use a language that connects with the recruiter instantly
• Decipher specific job brief & descriptions to incorporate keywords in your resume
• Set the stage with a champion resume even before you reach the interview.



• The process around Applicant Tracking Systems
• Get a view of what a recruiter expects from your resume
• Understand the difference between a Military resume and the usual corporate resumes
• Identify globally accepted rules and formats in the corporate resume writing
• Discover the world of resume tailoring and how you fit a specific role

We will notify you about the upcoming Resume Building workshop when the dates are announced!


Enquiry Form

If you are looking to explore how military veterans can add value to your organizations,
Contact Us and we will be glad to assist.

Most comprehensive job portal for veterans

We at M2C have unparalleled touch-points with veterans' career post-retirement, we know the secret sauce for that winning veteran resume because; We are Recruiters, We are Industry Insiders & We are Veterans

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